Protecting Your Vacation From A Dental Disaster

Dentist Blog

It is an unfortunate fact of life that dental disasters do not always occur at the most opportune times. In fact, they seem to occur when you least expect them to: such as when you are on vacation. If you are unlucky enough to endure a dental emergency on vacation—anything from a broken tooth to a lost filling—do not allow this to ruin your fun in the sun.

First and foremost, do not underestimate the importance of preventative care. Before setting off on your vacation, take the time to schedule an appointment with a dentist, such as OraCare Dental. By doing so you can avoid potential dental emergencies and ensure that your mouth is squeaky clean and fully healthy before jetting off to somewhere exotic.

Nonetheless, a preventative checkup cannot prevent all manner of dental mishaps. There remains a chance that you may suffer a dental accident while on vacation. Dental emergencies are often brought about by the types of foods that you eat. Excessively hard and sticky foods can harm your teeth while on vacation. Consider these things before indulging in any delicacy that is put before you.

If you have the poor luck of enduring a dental emergency while you are away from home, this does not mean that your vacation is ruined. The following are some helpful tips for salvaging your vacation—and your teeth.

  1. Painful, Chipped Teeth. If you suffer a chipped tooth, you will want to thoroughly rinse the interior of your mouth. A bit of gauze can effectively address any and all bleeding within the mouth. If your mouth encounters swelling and pain, you can address these symptoms by applying a cold compress.
  2. Missing Tooth. If one of your teeth gets knocked from your mouth while on vacation, you will want to locate the tooth and handle it by the crown not by the root. Placing the tooth in milk will give it the best chance of survival. When a tooth is knocked out by severe impact, you will want to locate a dentist and have it replaced without delay.
  3. Damaged or Lost Dental Fillings. There are a few very creative and very effective solutions to lost dental fillings. You may purchase what is termed over-the-counter dental cement at most drugstores. Alternatively, sugarless gum works as a great alternative.

Regardless of the dental emergency that you encounter, there are many different ways to heal your mouth without ruining your vacation. 


3 February 2015

A Beautiful, Healthy Smile

Do you want to do everything in your power to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy? To help you accomplish this worthwhile task, consider visiting your trusted dentist twice each year. During this time, you can get your pearly whites cleaned and examined. Besides seeing your dentist semi-annually, brush your teeth at least twice each day. Make sure to floss at least once a day too. Drink a glass of water after mealtimes. Doing so helps wash away food particles on your teeth. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple, ingenious tips to help you maintain your gorgeous smile. Enjoy!