How Will A Dentist Treat An Abscessed Tooth?

Dentist Blog

Do you have a pounding toothache and a fever? Chances are, you may have a dental abscess. This is basically an infection of the internal, sensitive tissues of your tooth. Most dental abscesses will not clear on their own, which means you really need to see the dentist. Here are the two key ways they might treat your abscess, depending on its location and severity.

Root Canal and Crown

In many cases, your dentist may opt to treat your abscess with a root canal procedure. To perform this procedure, they will first inject some local anesthesia to numb your tooth and the surrounding tissues. Then, they will drill a large hole in your tooth. Through this hole, they will suction all of the infected tissue out of your tooth roots. They'll put a special type of silicone into the tooth roots, filling this empty space.

A root canal will effectively kill the tooth as the dentist will be removing the blood vessels and nerves that feed the tooth. However, you can keep a dead tooth in your mouth as long as it is protected by a crown — and dentists almost always cover a tooth with a crown after you get a dental implant.

Extraction and Dental Implant

If your tooth itself has been badly damaged by the abscess, then the dentist may not be able to perform a root canal. They will instead recommend the extraction of the tooth. This is a fancy way to say that they will pull the tooth, removing it from your jaw. You'll be numbed before they do this, so you should not feel any pain.

After pulling the abscessed tooth, your dentist will likely have you take antibiotics to clear any lingering infection while the extraction site heals. Then, a few weeks later, they will generally advise you to come back for a dental implant procedure. They'll implant a screw-like metal piece into your jaw bone. Once this heals, they'll attach a crown to the implant, and you'll have a new tooth! Dental implants can last a long time, and they look just like real teeth.

Dental abscesses can be really painful, and the infection sometimes spreads into other, neighboring tissues. As such, it is always a good idea to see a dentist if you suspect you have an abscess. You will either need a root canal and a crown, or an extraction and an implant.


11 May 2022

A Beautiful, Healthy Smile

Do you want to do everything in your power to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy? To help you accomplish this worthwhile task, consider visiting your trusted dentist twice each year. During this time, you can get your pearly whites cleaned and examined. Besides seeing your dentist semi-annually, brush your teeth at least twice each day. Make sure to floss at least once a day too. Drink a glass of water after mealtimes. Doing so helps wash away food particles on your teeth. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple, ingenious tips to help you maintain your gorgeous smile. Enjoy!